Multistudio Hosts SFDW Virtual Event
June 23, 2022Navigating Shifting Public/Private Edges
Multistudio hosted a virtual event for San Francisco Design Week (SFDW): Navigating Shifting Public/Private Edges.
SFDW attendees joined us for an exciting dialogue with a cross-section of world-class architects, designers and developers who are collaborating on residential projects in San Francisco about how shifting edges between the private and public realms are informing their work.
The pandemic-driven demand for flexible work and social environments has helped drive a movement that sees private residential space and public open space as symbiotic: allowing them to lean on and enrich each other more fully. This creates opportunities for inclusion of different groups, providing around the clock vibrancy and supplying the dynamism that draws many people to live in cities.
Together we discussed the opportunities presented by two projects: a new residential tower in The Hub that is activated by a public art plaza and ballet school programming, and a new residential building in SOMA that features a permeable colonnade at ground level. We’ll left ample time for Q&A with the panel on how they see the future of this phenomenon developing.
June 23, 2022
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Moderated by:
Steve Brezovec / Multistudio
Contributing Architect for Chorus and 395 3rd Street
Frida Escobedo / Frida Escobedo Studio
Architect and Artist of Public Art Plaza at Chorus
Santiago Orbea / Henning Larsen
Project Manager for 395 3rd Street
Roman Speron / Align Residential
CEO of Align Residential, Owner of Chorus